Thursday, April 24, 2008

Visiting the Duck Pond

Practically every day we take Ryan to feed the pigeons and ducks at the local duck pond. It's always a new adventure. One day I even had a goose chase me while I was carrying Ryan!

I think the ducks are even getting to know who we are. Mainly because whenever we arrive the ducks start making their way towards us - it's great. I was able to have a duck literally eat out of my hand while Ryan was standing next to me. When Ryan reached out to pet the duck it slowly waddled away, it was so cute.

Anyway, I took Ryan yesterday and we had a blast. We've even started naming the different ducks. It always makes him laugh when we call the "Crazy Goose" to come over so we can feed it. I think because he remembers that same goose playing chase with us! Hopefully, feeding the ducks and pigeons will be a fond childhood memory for him. I know it's one that his parents will cherish.