Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Bark Like a Sea Lion?

We received the news today that Ryan has croup. Croup has an unmistakable sound — a harsh, repetitive cough similar to the noise of a seal barking. Croup is one of those things that I have heard of but haven't bothered to learn much about - probably because I had no need to, until today that is! So, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, croup is breathing difficulty accompanied by a "barking" cough. Croup, which is swelling around the vocal cords, is common in infants and children and can have a variety of causes and generally lasts for 3 - 5 days. Ryan is on day 2 or 3. Although he sounds horrible, Ryan has been up and playing all day long.

I wish "Peckham's Home Remedy" worked. Instead, Ryan will be taking cough medicine and a steroid, oh and breathing treatments (which make Ryan cry because he hates them so much). Which means for the next 4 days I will have a speedy, sleepy, and at times cranky toddler to take care of. Oh well, it could be worse, at least I'm not sick (yet).

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sick and Tired of Being Sick

Since having Ryan my family has basically been sick with one thing or another. You know small children really are like little petri dishes. First, they share all their germs with every other little kid they come within ten feet of. Then they bring all those germs home to share with their family. At least that's what Ryan does.

Well this time Dad was the one to bring the germs home! Scott started feeling bad on Friday. Of course he didn't think he was sick, he just thought he had a fever and was tired because he was exhausted from working so hard this week (I wish). Today he finally broke down and went to the doc-in-the-box. Turns out he has an infection that has caused a sinus infection and bronchitis. Apparently, Scott is as giving as Ryan because now Ryan is coming down with something and I'm not feeling that great either.

In an attempt to avoid getting cooties from my Little Man and Big Guy I am taking Emergen-C and going to bed by 10 o'clock. I'll let you know how it turns out. I am so sick of these guys getting sick!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Visiting the Duck Pond

Practically every day we take Ryan to feed the pigeons and ducks at the local duck pond. It's always a new adventure. One day I even had a goose chase me while I was carrying Ryan!

I think the ducks are even getting to know who we are. Mainly because whenever we arrive the ducks start making their way towards us - it's great. I was able to have a duck literally eat out of my hand while Ryan was standing next to me. When Ryan reached out to pet the duck it slowly waddled away, it was so cute.

Anyway, I took Ryan yesterday and we had a blast. We've even started naming the different ducks. It always makes him laugh when we call the "Crazy Goose" to come over so we can feed it. I think because he remembers that same goose playing chase with us! Hopefully, feeding the ducks and pigeons will be a fond childhood memory for him. I know it's one that his parents will cherish.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Help Support Earth Day

Building a sustainable society is the critical challenge of this century. Everything depends on it. -- Sen. Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day

Vital Statistics:

1970 world population: 3,707,183,055
2008 world population: 6,661,331,615
2: the United States' rank in worldwide carbon dioxide emissions (behind China)
100 percent of the 10 warmest years on record since 1977.
200 million: Number of people worldwide who might be permanently displaced by mid century because of floods, draughts and higher sea levels - if the average global temperature continues to rise.

Please go to and sign their Sky Petition telling Congress that if they want to keep their jobs they must take stronger and immediate action to stop global warming and to reverse the extraordinary environmental destruction that is taking place around the world.

By doing this one simple thing you can have a voice in the fight that we all must win.


Friday, April 18, 2008

My Dream Bedding

For some reason I have been in a redecorating mode lately. I have been wanting to update my master bedroom for some time now. With the summer fast approaching I have to get it done or wait until the fall. For two days this week I drove all over town looking at bedding and fabric, getting ideas and becoming more and more confused. I found a couple of things that I thought were OK, but nothing I just fell in love with. So last night I tried looking online and this is what I found. I LOVE it! There's just one get the bedding ensemble I would have to spend over $1,000! Which is way over my budget.

Okay, so now I am somewhat depressed about my find. I wish I never found my dream bedding. Now I know it's out there. But, on the other hand, I am even more motivated to find this look for less money. If anyone has any ideas of where I can find affordable bedding or fabric online or in the DFW area please let me know. I have to do something in less than two weeks and I am starting to feel the pressure, ugh!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WE Can Solve the Climate Crisis

As a wife and mother the issue of climate control is a daunting one. Just thinking about all that needs to be done can be overwhelming.

The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gave the strongest evidence yet that we must take urgent international action in order to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. Climate change is real and it's happening right now. The good news is that solutions exist. What's missing is the leadership. We need our leaders to make climate change a priority. But none of that can happen if we don't show we care about this issue.

The We Campaign is working to ensure that elected leaders make the climate crisis a priority. Visit: Here, you can learn about solutions to global warming, take action steps and even find events happening in your community. Although it’s not too late, global warming is very serious and there is no time to lose. So please don’t wait any longer to get involved.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thankful Thursday (A Couple of Days Late)

I have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for a wonderful husband that takes care of me and our son. Who loves me for who I am, the good, the bad and the ugly. I am thankful that he is my best friend and is with me through the good times and the not so good times. Right now we are both sick. I am thankful that my husband and I take care of each other no matter what. I know there are not many people I can say that about and I am very thankful I can say that about him.

Today, I am even thankful that my son gave me his virus. For a long time I wanted a child and now that I have one I think I should be a little more thankful to everything my child blesses me with. Even his cooties.

I am especially thankful for my husband and my son for making my life feel complete. I hope they feel as loved as they make me feel.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sippy Cups Are NOT for Chardonnay?

The other day, when I picked up Ryan from school, I had to go by and pay his tuition. I was talking to the director of the program and she told me that kids these days aren't learning how to spell like I did when I was a kid. She said that since everything was computerized the kids just rely on spell check. I guess this is just another example of people getting lazier due to technology. Kind of like not having to actually get up to change the channel on the TV.

This all got me thinking of how much I rely on technology. I hardly ever read any books anymore. The last book I read was "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom (the electricity was out during a thunderstorm). Now I just look up what I want to know on the computer. Even better is when I can learn something by watching the history channel. Hell, right now my two favorite shows on TV are the Tudors and John Adams, both of which are based on historical facts.

In order to set a good example for my son and to enrich my personal growth I am going to attempt to read a book from start to finish. Sounds easy enough, right? So does taking a shower but throw a vivacious toddler in the mix and see what happens. Since having Ryan I can now take a shower in 5 minutes flat! With this in mind I have chosen the book shown above. It looked like a fun and easy read. Who knows, maybe I'll remember how much I enjoy reading a good book.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Click ---> Here <--- to Win This...

Am I a Terrible Mother?

Last week Ryan was sick. All week long I took care of him and got little to no sleep. Sure Scott helped me but, for the most part, I took care of the little man. Caring for child isn't easy but caring for a a sick toddler is just plain exhausting. I love my son very much but even so it is hard having someone you love constantly needing your undivided attention. Ryan is feeling much better this week. However, his mother is a complete mess this week. She is mentally exhausted and behind in everything she has to do.

In order to get a few things done and to give myself a break I am considering putting Ryan in school 2 additional days this month. He really likes school and I want to get some painting done before school is out for the summer. Makes sense right? Then why am I feeling so guilty? How come as a mother if you aren't 110% all of the time then you feel this weight of guilt and shame. I know for a fact that I am not the only mother out there who feels this way whenever she gives herself a break. I suppose right now I am feeling like I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. This is the part of motherhood that I can truly say SUCKS!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Freaky Friday with Super Mom

They finally made a real life action figure of me (and all the other Moms out there). This is too funny...her Bio reads:

Up at the crack of dawn and working long into the night, this heroine magically creates extra hours each day juggling kids, schedules, chores and career. Navigating jungles of toys and mountains of kiddie stuff she prepares tasty-yet-healthy snacks, tames dust bunnies and banishes stubborn stains. With an invisible third arm and a never ending pursuit of work / life balance she can help with a school project and answer an all-important business call while wrist deep in dirty diapers. Part teacher, part doctor, part chauffeur, part boss… she's all SuperMom.


Soccer Mom, Chief Everything Officer, 'The Boss', Working Mom

mother's love; mega-multitasking; "the look"; cure-all kisses; temper tantrum tactics; mind reading; cheerleading

sleep deprivation; child's cries;work/life balance; cute kiddie clothes; mothering co-workers; parental pampering

"Go to your room and think about what you did."
"A mother's work is never done."
"Can't talk now, gotta go get the kids!"
"Because I said so, that's why."

There's more...
SuperMom's Mommy Weapons - SuperMom is equipped with 8 accessories of mommy might:

Switch between mommy alter egos: calm / relaxed and frazzled / crazy

BABY (little angel or mini monster)
Grows bigger with food and milk, gives off gas. Comes with an anti-boo-boo bonnet

Magical handbag holds work homework & diversions to calm mischievous mini people

Lifeline between school / daycare, home and the office. Also handy for gabbing and gossiping

Mother of All Lists, brings relative order to chaos

GROCERIES (aka Pre-Cuisine)
Nutritious items used in tasty meals that mysteriously appear on the table each evening

Puts foot down with authority, with work heels or comfortable mothering shoes
I think she's great! A tribute to all the Mommies out there and it would make a cute Mother's Day gift! You can check it out at

Please let me know what you think.

Mommy C

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Meeting Shana

I wasn't sure if I should post about this or not. But I have now realized and accepted that blogging is a sort of therapy (at least for me it is).

Anyway, last Wednesday I met Scott's old girlfriend Shana. Scott dated Shana while he was writing his thesis for his PhD and just out of college. They dated over a long period of time but didn't live in the same place for very long. Most of their relationship was considered "long distance". Even so they were very much in love at one time.

Shana was in town from DC for a wedding and she came over and then we all went to meet A & D for lunch. I was (understandably) a little anxious about meeting her. But once we were introduced I knew that she was a nice person. After having lunch with A & D, Shana went back with them to see their office. Scott, Ryan and I met them at the office after getting a drink at Happy Hour (at Sonic of course). After chatting with Shana, A & D had to get back to work. We took Shana to the park so I could play with Ryan while she and Scott spent time catching up with each other. After that she came back to the house to hang out for a bit before she had to leave to meet her friends.

Believe it or not, there was once a time when Shana really got to me. Actually, it wasn't Shana that bothered me. I mean really, how could she? I had never even met her. In reality it was the thought that Scott had loved someone other than me enough to think of marrying them. There was a period when I even thought that I might have once been a Shana rebound! Scott had to reassure me that that was not the case and that he loved me and was glad he married me (in my own defense, I was pregnant and hormonal when we had that conversation).

I look back now and can't believe I was ever so insecure in my relationship with Scott. I am glad that I met Shana. She is really a good person, she was sweet and I really like her. I can see why Scott dated her and was once in love with her. I can also look at Scott now and know that he loves me and is happy with the choices he has made. I took a picture of Shana with Scott & Ryan so we could remember the day we all shared together. I know Scott cares for Shana and I sincerely hope that they keep in touch and remain lifelong friends.

It's funny for me to say this but, I think I finally understand why older woman often say they like, accept and know themselves more than they did when they were younger. Of course this in no way means that I am aging! It just means I am getting the benefit of living longer than I once had.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

It is no secret that I'm not a big fan our current president and apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way. A picture really is worth a thousand words.