Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Life In the Burbs

Although we are still in the process of unpacking, this past weekend Scott and I decided we needed to do a little yard work. This is what our new and improved front yard looks like after a whole lot of manual labor.

We found a great place that promotes organic gardening, so everything we used for our yard is organic. With a little help we managed to replace the dead tree in our front yard with a new one (you have to look close at the picture - but it's there). After that we had to weed the front beds, mix in some compost, add a few annuals and spread some new mulch. Scott even trimmed the shrubs!

This weekend marks a milestone - Scott and I have formally progressed from a couple of urban yuppies to a couple of breeders living in the burbs. The only thing missing is the mini van! Of which we have both sworn an oath to each other that we will never own. (Nothing against mini vans, they are just not for us).
