Thursday, July 31, 2008

President Bush Signs "Conquer Childhood Cancer Act"

CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce that President George W. Bush has signed into law H.R. 1553, the Caroline Pryce Walker Conquer Childhood Cancer Act, at a ceremony in the Oval Office.

This legislation was named in memory of Caroline Pryce Walker, daughter of Congresswoman Deborah Pryce (R-OH), who succumbed to neuroblastoma in 1999 at age nine, and will dramatically increase federal investment into childhood cancer research.

The bill authorizes $30 million annually over five years, providing funding for collaborative pediatric cancer clinical trials research, to create a population-based national childhood cancer database, and to further improve public awareness and communication regarding available treatment and research for children with cancer and their families.

CureSearch exclusively supports the life-saving research of the Children's Oncology Group, the world's premier cancer research collaborative. Treating 90 percent of children with cancer, the Children's Oncology Group includes more than 5,000 experts in childhood cancer research and treatment, located at more than 200 leading children's and university hospitals across North America.
