The ambulance came and they helped Scott get me into the car. We raced to the hospital at 2 am to find out that the baby was alright. But, I had a fractured ankle. We finally got back home and in bed around 5am. I can't help but feel like a fat, pregnant, clumsy fool! Poor Scott - the first couple of days he literally had to wait on me hand and foot.
Per the emergency room doctor’s orders, we went to see an Orthopedist on Friday and he told us that I would need to wear this boot for the next 6-8 weeks. Sexy isn't it? But the walker really completes the look. Needless to say, Scott and I were both relieved to find out that I would not need surgery. Now we are both just hoping that my ankle heals before the baby is born. I guess this is God's way of telling me to take it easy...or else!
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