Thursday, April 6, 2006

It's All Good

It's official. The buyers for our condo are approved and it looks like we will be moving the last weekend of the month. Scott & I picked up a bunch of boxes and packing materials so it's just a matter of time. I think we are both looking forward to living in a larger home, but, we are dreading the move itself. Nothing says "fun" like packing everything you own up in boxes, moving it across town, and then going through all the boxes you thought you labeled so well to find that one obscure item you just can't live without!

I also went to the doctor this week. The picture of the cat I posted looks like how I feel. Needless to say, the baby and I are both doing well, although the doctor made it very clear that I am to "take it easy". I am just happy he didn't say those two words I am dreading - "bed rest". Scott has been great - when we move he told me I am to just sit on my butt and point to where things go. I think he secretly enjoys taking care of me. I am truly blessed.
