I can't believe how fast time has been passing over the last few weeks. Time couldn't pass quick enough because just as Scott started back to school he came down with the flu. At first the doctor thought he had mono. After taking all of his antibiotics Scott still didn't sound or feel much better. But, when Ryan got sick and our pediatrician told us he had the flu we knew that Scott must have gotten it first. I was the only one in our family who didn't get really sick. It took Scott and Ryan about two weeks before they felt better.
Luckily, Scott was feeling better in time to celebrate Valentine's Day. Ryan went to see his grandparent's while we went to see the Cirque
du Soleil show
Corteco. It was a lot of fun and I was so happy because I could finally fit into my
pre-pregnancy clothes :) I gained
so much weight with Ryan (almost 100
pds) and my goal was to be able to fit into my clothes by Valentine's Day...and I did it! Needless to say, I was in a really good mood that day.

Ryan has been doing well too. He is almost 6 months old! He is teething right now so anyone who gets within range of him is usually covered in drool within minutes. Although he hasn't started crawling yet he is becoming more mobile. We used to be able to put him on his play mat and he would stay on it. Now you put him down and he is rolling off of the mat in no time. But you just have to love him....he is such a good tempered little boy. Not to mention he is so cute and such a sweetie that I just want to hug him all the time.
Now we are in the process of getting our house set up since we weren't able to get everything done before Ryan came. We found a really nice french dining room set at an auction so we now have dining room furniture. While Scott has been busy with wiring things and getting the TV hung from the ceiling in the study, I have been out shopping for fabric to decorate with. Although it is a never ending project, it has been a lot of fun working on the house together.
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