Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who Want's Five Bucks?

I just love Whole Foods Market. So when I received this email I knew I just had to share it!

Save $5.00 at Whole Foods Market. Present our coupon at any Whole Foods Market in the U.S. to get $5 off any purchase of $25 or more. Valid from 10/15/08 to 10/22/08.
Download printable coupon in PDF format

With all the financial undertainty out there it's nice to know I can still save a few bucks while shopping at my favorite store! Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do ;)


Friday, October 17, 2008

Sam's Club Membership $10 for 10 Weeks

Starting tomorrow Oct 17th and through Oct 26, Sam's Club is offering a ten week membership for $10 to families and businesses who are not currently members. If you visit during the weekend you may want to take them up on their Savings Challenge: Just stop by the customer service desk and share how much you spend on food, baby needs and household items and they will show you how much you can save by shopping at Sam's Club.

Read more about this outstanding promotion here.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Showing the Love

This week, I am awarding Simply Home Remedies an “I ♥ Your Blog” award! Lately I’ve been feeling a little bogged down about this blogging business, so I thought it would do my soul some good to show my appreciation to some of the bloggers out there that I really admire.

Marye at Simply Home Remedies offers some great ways to save money by making everything from green cleaners to homemade linen spray. She also is very health conciuos and likes to keep her readers up to date on the latest health issues. She has a way of sorting through all the red tape to get to the heart of the real issues.

If you haven’t met her yet, bebop over and check out her blog. Well now as with most of these nifty awards, there are some instructions:

  • A winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
  • Link to the person from whom you received the award.
  • Nominate up to 7 other blogs.
  • Put links to the nominated blogs on your blog.
  • Leave a message on the nominated blogs.

Just another way to share the ♥ ! Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just A Little

Okay, so I haven't posted anything for the past two weeks. Well I wish I could say that I've been on vacation and have been unable to get to a computer for a while. Ahhh...if only.

Reality is I have been swamped! Let's see, first I finally took a sewing class. Which I loved!! Now I am inspired to finish my master bedroom make-over but that will have to wait. I have been working at TELC since mid-August. I am only scheduled to work on Wednesdays and Fridays but I have been subbing. Good thing too because I have also decided to take on another project. As if I didn't already have enough to do.

I just started classes at Region XI to get my alternative teaching certification EC-4 ESL. It is a condensed class that will take up most of my free time (which is already almost non-existent). The class ends mid-December and then I will have to take a test which will allow me to get a job as a intern teacher. After my "internship" of one year I can receive my certification. So as you can see I really have a lot on my plate. I will do my best to keep up with my blog over the next 10 weeks but if I am absent please know that I am most likely studying or working.

Meanwhile, say a prayer that I can keep up with all the young students in my class. I met one guy on Saturday who asked me when I graduated college. I told him 1993. He preceded to tell me that that was the year he graduated high school! Oh well, with age comes wisdom, right?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Found It!!

I have been looking and looking for someone to give me a refresher course on how to sew. I enrolled in a class at Joann's that was cancelled (because they couldn't get someone to teach it). I have asked around and searched the Internet from time to time over the past two years. Well after all my searching I FINALLY found a place to learn how to sew and more!

Make Shop & Studio offers sewing, home decor and different crafting classes at reasonable prices. Make is located in a the Bishop Arts District which is only about 25 minutes from my house and has some great boutiques, art studios and restaurants. It is the perfect place to for someone like me to spend an afternoon getting decorating ideas. Oh yeah, I already have it scheduled in my day timer ;) They also offer private lessons for people who would prefer a more one on one approach.

I am so psyched! I am finally going to be able to finish the home decorating project that I began almost three years ago! I guess perseverance does pay off eventually. Woohoo!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Thank you to all my friends at TELC! I am so thankful to work with such wonderful people who know the true meaning of what a friend is! Thank-you for all of your support and prayers for me and my family. It has really helped me get through these trying times to know I have friends that really care and are there for me. You are all a blessing to me.



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Join the MileStones Virtual Walk for 12,500

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month, CureSearch is challenging you to “walk virtually” and show your support for children with cancer. A staggering fact - each year 12,500 children and their families hear the frightening words “your child has cancer”. These statistics could represent a child in your neighborhood, in your child’s school, on the neighborhood T-Ball team or… yes it could be a child in your own family. Join us throughout the month of September for a virtual walk in support of children with cancer and their families.

Did you know....
12,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year
Of those diagnosed, 1 in 5 will not survive

Together we can reach the day when every child with cancer is guaranteed a cure
CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation exclusively supports the work of the Children's Oncology Group, the world's premier pediatric cancer research collaborative, treating more than 90% of children with cancer. Located at more than 200 children's hospitals and cancer centers across North America, this group is responsible for every major breakthrough in pediatric cancer research.

Learn more about childhood cancer and the CureSearch mission at

One Goal: Bring 12,500 people together for a virtual walk to support each one of the children who are diagnosed each year

One Month: September - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

One Person: Can make a difference in the lives of 12,500


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ryan's 2nd Birthday Party!

My little man turned 2 years old on Sunday. Here are a few pictures of his birthday party I just have to share. First, here's Ryan flirting with his Auntie Alex...making his father proud ;)'

Mom trying to put on every one's party hats...

Mom & Dad helping Ryan blow out his candles...

Ryan absolutely loved this truck that Auntie Alex gave him...

One last picture of Ryan with his Mimi showing him how to use his new Winnie the Pooh watering can. He loves to help Poppy and Mimi in the garden.

All in all, I think Ryan enjoyed his 2nd Birthday. I know we all enjoyed watching him have a good time with family and friends. Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate, your being with us made the day even more special.


Monday, September 8, 2008

A Favour to Ask, It Only Takes a Minute....

Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the middle).

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.



Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dear Friends

I'm not sure how to tell you all this so I'm just going to say it:

We experienced a miscarriage last night. Scott and I are very upset about this especially after seeing the baby's heartbeat and being almost through the first trimester. As you must know, this is a difficult time for our family. We had hoped to expand it and now are at a loss to know what will happen next. We have faith in God that everything happens for a reason including something like this. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

America Needs Environmental Education

Please read this open letter to Congress. If you agree with it you can click here to send a copy to your Representative:

Dear Member of Congress,

Our nation is grappling with complicated environmental issues that affect all of us as well as generations to come. It is more critical than ever that U.S. schools provide students with a solid environmental education. However, our schools are increasingly leaving environmental education behind and reallocating resources to emphasize math and reading instruction in order to meet mandates under the No Child Left Behind Act.

Congress must pass the No Child Left Inside Act, which will amend the National Environmental Education Act (NEEA) to:

1. Extend the NEEA through fiscal year 2009.

2. Introduce incentives for state educational agencies to create their own Environmental Literacy Plan. State plans would integrate environmental education into K-12 curriculum and ensure that graduates are environmentally literate.

3. Expand the scope of NEAA by creating the National Capacity Environmental Education Grant Program, which authorizes the Secretary of the USDE to award grants to State Educational Agencies with Environmental Literacy Plans.

4. Authorize funding to help states, schools systems, and environmental education partners implement their state's Environmental Literacy Plan.

5. Provide $14 million additional funding for teacher and professional development training programs to support environmental education.

The No Child Left Inside (NCLI) Act goes a long way toward giving environmental education the attention it deserves. Please support strengthening the NEAA by supporting environmental education.

Thank you,


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

This is the only photo I was able to take of Ryan's first trip to Chuck E Cheese. He absolutely LOVED it! He was so excited to go to his friend Jack's birthday party. But, I spent most of the time chasing Ryan from game to game. By the time we left we were both exhausted! Next time we go, Dad is coming with us...I definitely need back-up at this place!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Measure Your Carbon Footprint FREE!

Earth Day Network has just released its newest tool to combat climate change: The new, updated, and much more fun Ecological Footprint Calculator.

In this new tool created by Global Footprint Network, you can create a three-dimensional avatar of your choosing, and tour your virtual neighborhood. Then you will be asked a series of questions about your food consumption, energy use, favorite mode of transportation, type of residence, recycling commitment, and spending habits. You can even choose to take a long version or a short version of the quiz!

The Footprint Calculator will tell you how many "planets" would be necessary to sustain human life- if everyone lived just like you, and how many acres of land and tons of carbon necessary to sustain your lifestyle. You can even revisit your quiz to see where she "went wrong", and find out how to reduce your carbon footprint.

If you are a teacher or professor, encourage your students to take the quiz and experiment with the answers. An interesting, engaging and highly educational way to teach sustainability and inspire change.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Fossil Rim

Last Friday, Scott, Ryan, our friend Alex and I went on a little road trip to Fossil Rim. I just love going there. It is never the same and you never know what you'll see. We were all so busy feeding the animals that these were the only pictures we took. Alex was nice enough to take these pictures of Ryan at the petting zoo.

I just wish I could drive and click a camera at the same time. I would have loved to have gotten a few pictures of all of us feeding all the deer. Especially the ones that would slobber all over the car (and us) when they stuck there head in the car. Ahh...good times ;)


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Divine Consign

I am pregnant and trying to be frugal. Which is not an easy thing to do when it comes to finding nice maternity clothes. That is until I came across Divine Consign.

Divine Consign is the Dallas Metroplex’s favorite twice-yearly consignment sale specializing in the highest quality gently worn children’s, junior's and maternity clothing, toys, books, games, DVDs, baby equipment (strollers, exersaucers, etc.) and baby and children’s furniture.

I went to the Arlington sale this past week and scored a truck, big wheel, pj's and a shirt for Ryan. I also picked up a few maternity clothes for me. A total of 5 sweaters, 5 shirts, a pair of shorts and 2 pairs of pants. My total purchase was $48.12! I couldn't believe it!

This is why I can't wait to go to the Divine Consign in Plano this weekend! It is supposed to be a even bigger sale than the one I went to. If you are interested in finding out more about the sales in the DFW area just click here.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What if there was a vote to decide if $13.5 billion in tax breaks for oil companies should go into oil alternatives, like solar and wind? What would you want your Senator to do?

Well, as you probably guessed, there was such a vote. We needed 60 votes to prevail, and 59 of them were in. But John McCain ducked the vote.

As a result, instead of powering millions of homes with clean energy and building next-generation solar technology, we're giving ExxonMobil and other companies billions in tax breaks at a time when they're already making record profits.

This vote is political dynamite. And if we all pitch in, we can make sure voters know about McCain's give-away to big oil. And it's a twofer— will run the ad in the battleground state of North Carolina to help remind voters that Senator Elizabeth Dole, who's up for re-election, voted for big oil tax breaks, too.
The ad links Republican support for oil tax breaks with the campaign contributions they're taking from the oil companies. Exposing their favors for big oil can puncture Republican promises to help people hurting from high gas prices.

This ad can help defeat McCain, win a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, and promote real solutions to the energy crisis. Can you help spread the word?

Just one more reason I plan to vote for Obama!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Morning Sickness Rant

Here's the truth, I love my son and am excited about having another child, but I absolutely hate being pregnant. I turn into a cow, my ankles cease to exist, and I become an insecure mess. I wake up what seems like a million times during the night, either to pee, to throw up, or just for fun I suppose. Okay, maybe not a million times but it sure feels like it.

I cannot get enough sleep. Today Scott took Ryan most of the day and I just laid in bed all day feeling like roadkill. I did manage to get up and take a shower (which made me feel like fainting). I have made best friends with the toilet, and have basically become a hobbit in my own home, what else could I possibly complain about?

Okay, I'm done (for now)! Please understand that this rant has come from a woman that is only 2 months pregnant and has just realized she has 8 more months of pregnancy to endure. I can get through it...I just mightneed to vent a little! Sorry!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

I HATE Algebra!

Tonight I am studying for the math portion of the THEA test. I passed the writing and reading portions of the test when I went in "cold turkey." However, I failed to pass the math portion by 2 points! This really sucks because I have always disliked algebra and most math classes. Now I am having to study the same crap that I learned (and subsequently forgot) about 20 years ago!

Well, I better get to it...wish me luck. Better yet, please say a prayer for me. I have a feeling I might need some divine intervention to get through this ;)


Wednesday, August 13, 2008