Wednesday, September 26, 2007


One of our favorite restaurants is a Vietnamese place called PTT's. We usually meet Scott's parent's there for lunch and this past Sunday they brought there camera. Ryan was such a little ham I just had to share.

As you can see, Ryan just is now an expert with his sippy cup.

He likes to eat the noodles and shrimp from our soup.
He also likes to play with the noodles.
Here he is posing with what his Mimzy and Poppy
affectionately call "noodle fangs".
I just love my little man and big man so much!
We are one happy family.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Ryan's 1st Birthday

We celebrated Ryan's 1st Birthday today with a small party.
I think I can safely say that Ryan likes a good party!

He liked opening his presents...

and playing with his new toys.

He was patient while we put some of his toys together.

He even tried a piece of cake...well sort of.

Thanks to everyone who helped make Ryan's 1st Birthday a great one!